Online Application Form for Winter Session, 2006

Please fill out the online form below and click submit
Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory:

* First Name
* Middle Initial
* Last Name
* Hebrew Name
* Address
* City, State
* Zip Code
* Permanent Address (if different)
* Phone (day)
* Phone (night)
* Phone (mobile)
* Phone at permanent address (if different)
* E-mail
* Marital status
Social Security
* Date of Birth
* Were you ever in Israel?
Yes   No
Dates of visit
Reason for visit
* Was your mother born Jewish?
Yes   No
* Was your father born Jewish?
Yes   No
If no, please explain
* Father's name
* Father's phone (day)
* Father's phone (night)
* Father's Address
* City, State
* Zip Code
* Mother's name
* Mother's phone (day)
* Mother's phone (night)
* Mother's Address
* City, State
* Zip Code
* Parents' marital status


* Present Occupation, if not attending college
Name of Employer (if applicable)
Brief Job Description:
List chronologically all the schools you have attended:

Secondary Schools
* Name of School
* Location
* Dates of Attendance
* Graduation Date and Degree Awarded
College or University
* Name of School
* Location
* Dates of Attendance
* Graduation Date and Degree Awarded
Jewish Schools (if not included in above)
Name of School
Dates of Attendance
Graduation Date and Degree Awarded
Hebrew language proficiency
* Read:
Not at all   Minimal   Average   Very well or fluent
* Speak:
Not at all   Minimal   Average   Very well or fluent
* Understand:
Not at all   Minimal   Average   Very well or fluent
Have you ever studied (please check all that apply):
Bible    Hebrew Literature    Jewish History
Talmud    Other Judaic Study Matter
If you checked any of the above subjects above, what did the course consist of, and where did you take the course?
Languages spoken at home
Activities and Organizations in which you have participated
AHave you or are you currently participating in the Moreshet Learning Fellowships?
* Are there any special characteristics of your medical history that would affect your ability to participate in the Program? If so please describe
* If you are taking, or took in the past (on a protracted basis) any medication for any aspect of your health, please indicate:
* Do you have any accessibility requirements or physical limitations or restrictions?
List two persons who can serve as references for you:
* Name 1
* Phone 1
* Address 1
* Relationship to you 1
* Name 2
* Phone 2
* Address 2
* Relationship to you 2
* How did you hear about the Moreshet Learning Retreats

Tuition Information

Tuition for the Moreshet Learning Retreats Programs is as follows:

$199.00 for individuals whose applications are received before December 7th

$250.00 for individuals whose applications are received after December 7th

There is an additional $50.00 transportation fee for individuals who will need Moreshet Learning Retreats to provide them with transportation to and from the retreat location.

Tuition is due upon receipt of written (either hard copy or email) acceptance to the program. We must be in receipt of your Tuition money in order to guarantee your spot in the program.

Participants who received a scholarship, please refer to the information package you received.

Financial Aid:

Scholarships are available for eligible applicants. Please be in touch with Moreshet Learning Retreats at 800-927-0476 (or 866-268-7169 from Canada), or email us to discuss scholarship options.


Cancellations received more that 1 month prior to the session will be refunded in full, less a $100.00 cancellation fee.

Cancellations received less than one month before the session are non- refundable.

Miscellaneous Information:

A personal interview may be required before final admission.

All personal information will be held in strictest confidence.

Moreshet Learning Retreats admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin.

Any student not complying with program requirements during his or her stay at Moreshet Learning Retreats may be asked to leave. In such event, all fees would be refunded on a prorated basis.

* Please use the space below to write two paragraphs describing what you hope to gain from the Moreshet Learning Retreats program:
By submitting this application online, I hereby affirm that all of the information included in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge, and that I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of tuition payment.

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© 2003 Moreshet Learning Retreats [email protected]
Toll-free from US and Canada: 1 800-927-0476